Jun 19Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

In my opinion time the people started to arm themselves to fight these vermin who pretend to be working for our wellbeing. These thugs & hostile vermin who are genociding the people & wish to control our lives should be removed from society.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Keep in mind that the Globalist cabal is behind all this. They have decided that the best route to achieving their NWO is through the Multilateral Institutions like WHO/UN. This is essentially 'doing it through the back door" because it's becoming too obvious in many democratic States to do it through the local political systems, as Europe is presently discovering.

So, to answer your question, they will have a very good try to apply sanctions on sovereign States and whatever else it takes to achieve their centralized NWO "utopia".

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Jun 19Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Dear Shabnam: You are such an amazing, intelligent, graceful and compassionate woman. Thank you so much for your integrity and hard work.

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BEWARE THE TREATY its going to be back much sooner than we think

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Yes it is, they have no intention of caving, they see it as just a temporary blip. Already this week, France and the WHO are talking about funding programs in Africa for vaccine production, which obviously involves bribes for African leaders to get on board their program.

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The leaders of any sovereign nation who have agreed to hand over control to a non-elected body are not doing it with the permission of their citizens. I can foresee civil unrest coming. Is this why USA, Europe and UK have been taking in migrants in their thousands/millions to control the unrest when it occurs? I want to be wrong, but I suspect some difficult times ahead.

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Why wait untill civil unrest happens?


Sounds impossible?

Have you ever heard of someone named Ghandi ?

Could be enlightening.

Your ONLY OTHER OPTION is to wait civil unrest comes to reality like an over pressured steam cooker with all the consequences that such a situation implies.

A tidal wave of uncontrollable, blind and bloodthirsty violences of all kind.

If you seek revenge, let it happen.

If you seek justice, then what about my proposal?

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Leon, as much as I agree with you, I’m giving you arguments to realize that this is not feasible, for the simple reason that we would have been too few. For this to have an effect, it would take a gigantic paralysis that dyes in time.

But for your proposal to be viable, people must be equipped (blackout) and have enough food and other resources to last a very long time, because they are not the type to capitulate.

This should be followed massively, ie by more than 50% of the popilation, see much more. So we could never last in time, it is not money that interests them first, but genocide and world domination.

On the other hand a peaceful revolt of more than 25%, demanding the withdrawal of the UN, the WHO and the corrupt rulers, would be a possible soltions, but again we are not enough or most dissidents do not want it.

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I remember you that , during the War of Independence and according to historians, that at no time did more than 45 percent of colonists support the war, and at least a third of colonists fought for the British. .

They were facing bullets, canon balls, lack of food , clothes and shelters.

Unlike the Civil War, which pitted regions against each other, the war of independence pitted neighbor against neighbor.

We are already living this for 4 years.

Do not you consider the toll paid to this moment excruciating enough, at personal and social level, as to drive you forward into organizing something related to

my option ?

Everyone has to be clearly aware and totally conscious that there will not be another opportunity.


I will not judge you.

History will.

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As I just wrote in my previous com, I am 100% with you!

Let’s get to work (smile) to try to bring people together.

If you have the courage to read my com on my account, you will see that I say the same thing. But few adhere!

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Hi Mia.

Enlightening conversation.

Here is one answer to your question about ...

How to awake and gather people?

I suggest the following.

To all those you know and communicate with directly or not, please ask to do the following I already wrote in a previous comment.

" to all those who have children I suggest that you imagine gathering them and explaining them that they will probably be injured, disabled and even die or being enslaved in a totalitarian universe because you did not care enough for them to stand tall and fight back when it was still the time because you had not enough confidence in you and that their future was not motivating enough to seize the opportunity to enter the battle of the last chance for them."

If they have even the lightest positive feeling for their heirs they should react accordingly.

Let us see what is the result and let me know please.

And if I hurt you I apologize sincerely and deeply.

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No problem, I should have been more explicit, perhaps in my first com.

What you say, I have already done and continue, but they take me for a conspiracy, paranoia etc., but I am patient, and who knows with time.

Even here on substack, can be like your reagents, that’s how it is.

I would like to know how many dissidents are ready to act, I have no idea, many are well informed, but as soon as we talk about acting, they hide, I guess fear, and then I don’t know why it stops there.

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So, will we wait untill totally enslaved for not having tried and then say the most devastating sentence " I should have ... "?

I agree that, even though there are alarming research reports piling up from the bottom of the Mariana trench to the tip of the Everest, the majority of people do not realize what is coming at us.

But, for me, I refuse to surrender without fighting " peacefully" .

I am of those who die standing tall not crawling.

I have been 7 months in a row manifesting in front of my parliament and what was the most difficult to withstand was not the weather nor the police forces actions but the incomprehensible lack of parents.

They did not seem to realize that, by their inaction, they were condemning not only them but their heirs .

Thus, to all those who have children I suggest that you imagine gathering them and explaining them that they will probably be injured, disabled and even die or being enslaved in a totalitarian universe because you did not care enough for them to stand tall and fight back when it was still the time because you had not enough confidence in you and that their future was not motivating enough to seize the opportunity to enter the battle of the last chance for them.

One thing is guaranteed, if there is no real, strong, wide spread upheaval before the Bird flu scamdemic rolls on officially ( it is already unofficially en marche for those endowed a functional brain)

then the keenly prepared tidal wave will level everything and finish enslaving everyone.

Your life.

Your choice.

I already made mine.

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Leon, I give you absolutely right, the question is not there, I do the same, I continue for 4 years tirelessly, but people are not ready, and indeed, they condemn their children etc.

I agree 100% with your words and your will, if you could read my comments posted elsewhere you would see it. Do not judge me wrongly.

Tell me how to get as many people ready?

Lay out your plan, I will share it and we will see, because in the end it will be the people who decide.

I don’t have an answer to the next question, why can’t we do it together, the dissidents?

I posted a comment above to this sjuet (if not elsewhere).

I tried everything, without result, I am also someone who acts before it is too late. Do not misunderstand my previous message, only the hail and boycott are not possible, cause the duration. I am for a peaceful talk, but it is of interest only to a few people. I have a short video on this subject, the first one I posted.

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Hi Mia.

What do you think about the following idea for awakening and gathering people.

In every agglomération, make people erect a Memorial for all those killed by the C-19 bioweapon.

Given that we live for years in scarcity, it could be made out of plywood and ID of deads printed on cardboard .

The idea is to not allow the victims to become noting more than data or statistics and be forgotten.

Do not let " Out of sight ,ouf of mind " apply to them .

They deserve better than that.

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Hi Leon,

It is a very good idea, it is done and works quite well, it must last over time. You are full of resources, I appreciate it!

I found during reading comments, another idea that I like, it comes from a certain alex" his comment was confusing, unorganized and mixing too the devil in his explanations, but his idea was to write a letter to broadcast on the net, to inform as many people as possible.

No one was interested, I explicitly asked. For this to have any effect, it seems to me what must be well drafted, in legal terms in order to avoid interpretations that could undermine the cause. I have not yet found someone who wants to do it, I do not master the legal jargon.

Then I thought of an informative letter, which everyone can distribute in turn.

Having not found an eco, and not being on any social network, I leave the initiative to others.

Maybe you have some knowledge that can do that.

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Jun 20Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed


This is not a new topic. It is old, and some great minds have spent a lot of time researching the crimes at the UN.

They are massive.

Claudia Rosett (1956-2023) is one of the very best in this area . A former editor at the WSJ, she also worked in Moscow and Hong Kong -- and wrote excellent books about UN corruption. The above is a link to her 2017 book: What to Do About the UN.

Her conclusion: ABOLOISH IT.

She is extremely good on this topic. Excellent source!

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Jun 19Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

They don’t trouble with our laws. They tell our brainwashed politicians to make new laws or they tell our compliant employers we can’t work if we don’t obey.

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Jun 19Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

The people are so disunited ,they will never accomplish anything . Just look at the comment section here ,only 18 comments in response to an excellent article ,when there should be 1000ends .The last four years showed me that in response to the whyrusses terror most people became little gestapo ,policing and terrorizing the person next to him or her . In stores I was threatened with violence ,because I did not put on a mask or wear it not to their liking or keep '''social '' distance .I was refused entry to restaurants because I did not have covid passport .All establishments forced masks on us .I could go on and on but ,this small sample is enough for now . Even relatives did not want me to come by to visit ,not even if vaxxt and with mask . Even my wife was critical because of my attitude and not following orders you think humanity will fight for its life ?? Give me a break so I can have a good laugh .

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The mass may not, but a minority is already fighting and will do it even more actively when the time comes to move on to other actions.

Let’s not judge all dissidents, I know that many are afraid, others surely have their reasons not to take the final action, but perhaps we are too few to succeed without needing the majority of the popiulations, how to know.

However, there is nothing to exclude that people caught in the trap will revolt when the time comes, it may be terrible, but it will be the price to pay for waiting for the last moment, it is like that.

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As technology advances, so too will the power that technology enables. This power tempts government and other actors to use it for whatever ends they deem appropriate.

Further, this technological power offers means of invading, manipulating, and surveilling individuals through invisible means such as nanotechnology, etc., such that individuals can be unsuspecting that they're being targeted.

We need a New Bill of Rights, one that builds a shield against use of technology to invade, violate, manipulate, or surveil individuals, or that in any way steals from them their autonomy which is theirs by right of nature. This is urgent since technological advancement and power will otherwise be used against the people, as all tendencies show this to be a general aim of global commercial and governing alliances, even as soothing language is used to hide this tendency.

Bodily autonomy must be absolute, and the 1905 Jacobson decision must be overturned on the grounds that its warnings against oppressive or arbitrary measures have been completely ignored, as the historical record shows.

Individuals must be sovereign in their own persons, and absolute in their self-determination so long as basic civility and respect for the self-determination of others are acknowledged.

The state should function to promote the general harmony of the nation and among nations, and never engage in alliances with other actors to extract wealth from the population.

Fiat money must end to restore the integrity of the barter system that money enables.

No state or any other entity has any right to manipulate individuals: individual sovereignty is supreme, and the state rightfully exists to guard and maintain that sovereignty. Individuals will determine their own fates and collectively, through self-organizing alliances, determine in a spontaneous fashion the shape of the world based on peace and prosperity.

The warmongers must go, and the peacemakers must step in. We, the people, do not want war.

Science must stop serving commercial or governance agendas when it comes to the health of individuals or of the global commons.

The pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe must stop being used to herd populations into a global, elitist agenda.

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With due respect.

" We need a New Bill of Rights, ".

The protection given by each and every Bill of Rights is nothing more than what your government is ready to allow it some kind of respect.

Even though this "NEW BILL OF RIGHTS " would be deeply carved in the sturdiest granit what would be the effective protective value of it if your government does not give a shit to it and that the police and armed forces follow blindly the orders they will be told ?

Representatives do not represent you not any of their constituents because they BELONG to their party which BELONGS to its funder$$$$$$$.

That is reality.

It may be crude and rude but it is exactly what it is.

As long as people will vote for someone related to a party they will find themselves betrayed.

When will you, all of you, come to comprehend that the political system of political parties is a booby trap.

You want someone to represent you ?

Why not simply look with eyes wide open and mind totally aware to your fellow citizens and ask yourself:" To which of those would I trust my life and future of my loved ones? "

Could not it be a good place to start.

When you will have enough of being betrayed by all those called " the elite" in absolutely all the occupational fields and treated as " useless eaters " maybe you will agree with me.

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I agree with you. But how exactly will it happen, that the global alliance is stopped and they no longer prey on us?

Another fact to face is that technology is expanding exponentially and it'll be used to control us unless we recognize that and put a stop to it.

Yes, it all depends on good laws that are enforced by the will of the people, and yes, governments can and will ignore laws, but people can also overturn governments or reign them in, and they can stand up and say that we have our own Great Narrative, and it's not endless wars.

So how exactly do we get from where we are to where we want to be? It seems to me that we need to build a shield that protects individual sovereignty as the first order of business. Or what exactly do you propose?

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Mr. Reagan.

As you may read my other comments on this substack's article I advocate for a complete yet peaceful civil disobedience in the form of a complete yet peaceful strike that will last as long as required to get those actually have their hands at the wheel to resign.

I may sound foolish but that is exactly what the British Empire thought about Ghandi and we know the result.

So, first get rid of those by whom the situation came to exist.

Second, bring them into just and fair trials to have justice and not revenge.

And, at once, rebuild our society on true values and rewrite new constitutions and Bill of Rights written in such a way as to avoid loopholes as this is so frequently the case.

And, most important, rebuild a public educational system whose only mission will be to produce very sound and critical constructive minds given the most valuable asset if a nation is not in its ground but in the mind of the nations' citizens.

That is all that I wish to humanity.

And if we do not act swiftly and strongly in the appropriate direction, we are all doomed to slavery.

Your life .

Your choice.

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👏👏👏💯💯📣📣 And I believe that would be called check mate if we were playing chess with the UN.😐😉

I must say, they used the WHO well as a complete distraction.😉🤦‍♀️

Getting the countries to defang the UN, is a pretty mammoth task, especially given the Stockholm syndrome of the global public these days.😐🤦‍♀️

But hey I'm game!😉 What's the plan? Write some more letters? Organise a protest at head of UN, that won't be televised?🤨

#seriousandsarcastic #legithelp #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I remember an era where people were in contact with the reality of one's own absolute power, which is to simply say NO MORE and having the courage to manifest this power and hold fast to it.

On June 12, 1982, one million people demonstrated in New York City's Central Park against nuclear weapons and for an end to the cold war arms race.

And the President heard and listened.

Not because he had respect for those gatherers but for the number of votes they represented.

So, no I would not manifest in front of UN or WHO headquarters but why not each of us in front of our own government' building ?

It this too expensive a price to pay ?

How much do you worth your life to ?

And that of your loved ones ?

We do not need MSM at all.

The cumulative effect of all social media

reports and personal communications will have a greater impact than all the MSM together.

We have the number.

We have the power.


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Sanctions usually do not work. What does the UN and WHO have planned? Exactly what gates wants; your death, ASAP.

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The sanctions won’t mean anything most countries are moving away from the petrodollar the only ones that want to keep it is the 5 👀 s that’s where the control is the British, States ,Australia , New Zealand and Canada, Germany and France. Other than that Sanctions don’t mean anything anymore.

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With all due respect to you, your dedication and the honest lawyers scattered on this planet.

We are way past the time where lawyers and judicial actions, could it be personal or class actions, are the required tool to solve the coming break down.

Lawyers are perfect when it is time to perform " social surgery" ad they can be precise as laser scalpels.

What we are facing now is a one Kilometer high tidal wave rushing at humanity at one Kilometer per second.

It is no more time to question about the water's temperature nor the hues and colors if it.

What we have to build is a worldwide giant wave breaker to, at first stop the wave and , if we survive this ( nothing is guaranteed) then reverse the tide.

Then and THEN ONLY will it be time for lawyers and prosecutions for they will allow us to remain human beings not seeking blind and bloodthirsty vengeance but cold blood justice based on reason and not in emotions.

For now, given that almost all elected in almost all nations have demonstrated a bottomless appetite for corruption and consequently a totally abysmal disrespect to each and every documents and or traditions about freedoms, rights and every like meaning words and or expressions, we have nothing good to expect from any of them.

The only thing that those included in the broad term TPTB is a power greater than their.

And this power inhabits in each and every person' soul.

It is the required consciousness and courage to simply say NO. NO MORE and hold fast to this decision and transpose this will into reality by deciding and launching a COMPLETE YET PEACEFUL CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN THE FORM OF A COMPLETE PEACEFUL STRIKE THAT WILL LAST AS LONG AS REQUIRED TO MAKE THOSE IN POWER TO RESIGN!!!

PEACEFUL is the unavoidable condition of success if such a movement.

Given that police forces have demonstrated so often who they really took their oath to " TO PROTECT AND TO SERVE ", could it with batons, pepper spray, trampling persons, taser guns and all their so cherished equipment.

Will we be beaten, handcuffed, electrified, unlawfully arrested ?


Have no doubt about it .

But, you other possibility is to surrender, roll up your sleeve, get the jab, be disabled, die, and live I've in a complete willing cowardice slavery.



So, from now on it is on you.

Your life.

Your choice.

P.S.: There will not be a further opportunity to fight back against alphabet Agencies' hegemony.

The coming war is planned and will be managed to be the last one to get absolute grab on everything.

Some have said :" You will own nothing and be happy ".

In fact , it will be more like :


So, if some of you decide to follow my advice, do not wait to prepare yourself with all required materials to sustain a long pacific civil

disobedience and that includes, at first, very strong social ties because those ties are the mortar that keeps the society fortress's wall sturdy.

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They are not going to get what they want. Game over

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